The Foundation Module (1) is a pre-requisite for this course.

This is the AFR training in its entirety. It is aimed at anyone who has a passion to be a healer and wants to discover and rely on their own, innate healing ability which this course is designed to cultivate. 

It’s for anyone who wants to practice energy healing in a professional capacity. The breadth of knowledge and skills gained on this course mean you’ll be equipped to work in any specialised area of your choice. It is also good for anyone with a therapeutic background who wishes to use the skills learnt to complement their other practice(s). There are also many people who pursue this training purely as a form of personal development and self-healing, as both these things make up a large part of this work.

The training focuses on the Human Energy Field (HEF) also known as the Aura or Auric Field. You will learn how to work with the HEF, how to access its different levels at will, to clear, charge, repair and restructure them. You will also learn how to work with the different levels of consciousness held on each layer of the field and techniques for working with the distortions held within them.

The healings you will learn will enable you to address issues of a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nature and include working with, amongst other things, relationship cords, past lives, inner child healing, spirit release, Intention alignment and other aspects of our consciousness.

Each module includes qi gong exercises and meditation practices specifically chosen to support whatever you are currently learning. You will be required to complete some home study; practical, written and reading and to undertake a course of self-reflection and self-enquiry.

It is serious work with great depth but is presented in a very human and accessible way. You are encouraged to relate it to your own life and experience in order to develop your understanding of how to use it to help yourself and others to grow.

This training requires commitment, focus and discipline - qualities that naturally develop as you step further into your healership.

On graduation you will receive a Diploma in Auric Field Regeneration Healing.

Next Professional training

2nd- 6th March 2024

Cost £780 per module

(Includes accommodation, meals and tuition)

If you have any questions, need further explanation or help in making a decision, please get in touch. We’re happy to offer guidance and support to help you make the decision that’s best for you.

Contact Us for more information and to find out how to register.


Foundation Course (Module 1)