our school

The environment we learn in is really important. It can affect us for better or worse. Many people have less than happy memories of school, and in some cases, it has left a lasting impression on their sense of self-belief. 

We believe that learning should be fun. It’s hard to absorb and retain information if you’re feeling anxious or stressed. With this in mind, we have re-visioned the traditional classroom experience to create a new paradigm of learning where classes are fun, relaxed and informal. At St Raphael, the curriculum is not exam or goal-orientated; we don’t believe that’s necessary. We continually assess how students are doing and address any issues as they arise. It also means students feel reassured that there is support available for them when it’s needed.

The school has a friendly and family atmosphere. We ensure everyone is able to receive personal attention and that no-one gets overlooked or left behind. 

The teachers, and group facilitators are down-to-earth and approachable. We each have many years’ experience in our chosen area of expertise and we’ve all gone through our own personal healing journeys in one form or another, so we’re able to hold and support you while you go through yours.

‘keeping it real’

Whilst we do very serious work at the school, we like to keep it human and real. We don’t believe in elitism or spiritual snobbery. We believe this type of work should be accessible to everyone regardless of education, background and previous experience - if any. 

We have no desire to change you - you’re amazing just the way you are! We’re simply passionate about guiding and assisting you to realise your fullest potential as a human being, to help you become the most empowered and enlightened version of yourself you can be.

“To see a diverse group of people come together and each blossom into their own, unique expression of Essence is a wonderous thing to behold and what inspires us to keep on doing what we do!”

St Raphael school is founded on the principles of Integrity, Sincerity, Humility and Willingness and we endeavour to uphold these principles in every aspect of our work.

Our teachers & faciliatators

Hello, I’m Marianne, Founder and Principal of St Raphael School.

I grew up in North London and also spent parts of my life on the beautiful island of Trinidad in the Caribbean.

I describe myself as an energy healer and teacher; fundamentally, that’s the underlying connection between everything I do.

I’ve been doing this work for over 20 years, and it’s been a journey! I’ve had to overcome my own doubts, fears, painful life experiences, setbacks, and failures. But the intelligence of The Design means it’s been the perfect training and preparation for everything I do. 

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