Workshops and other events

From time to time, we offer or host workshops and other events to expand the consciousness, and uplift the spirit.

These events are a great way to be in community with others and share the journey of transformation together.

Check here for updates and subscribe, so we can keep you in the loop!

September 2023

14th Healing Sound Bath with Emma De Salis Young

22nd-24th Relationship Healing workshop with Marianne & Clive Willis (fully booked)

October 2023

24th Storytelling evening with Michael Dunn

13th-15th Inner Child workshop with Marianne & Clive Willis (fully booked)

November 2023

24th-27th ‘Winter warmer Retreat for the Soul’ A women’s gathering with Laurence Sessou, Marianne Willis, Mireile Discher and Ruth Richards

26th A Call To Prayer: join us to recite the Ho’oponopono prayer for restoration of harmony in our inner and outer worlds.

Time: Nov 26, 2023 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 850 7775 6396

March 2024

22nd-25th Spring Retreat: A women’s gathering with Laurence Sessou, Marianne Willis, Mireile Discher and Ruth Richards