Our Teachers & facilitators

At St Raphael, all teachers and facilitators have many years’ experience in our chosen fields and we have each undergone our own healing journey, so we are better able to understand the challenges you face as you go through yours, and to hold you with compassion through that process.

Marianne Willis

Energy Healer

Principal, St Raphael School

I first witnessed the healing power of touch and loving intention, seeing my mother (a nurse and midwife), administer unofficially to whoever in our local community; people and animals, needed her help. This inspired me to pursue a career in the National Health Service as  a wound-care specialist, before realising that my own passion for healing needed a different form of expression.

My lifelong curiosity about the non-material world then led me down some interesting and unconventional paths, picking up useful skills, qualifications, and enduring friendships along the way.

I eventually came across the School of Energy Healing where I studied a method of healing based on the work of Barbara Ann Brennan. The work had a profound impact on my life and helped to explain the nature of things that had previously been a mystery to me. This led to me gaining confidence and clarity in understanding the world around me and the common themes that unite us in our human nature.

After graduating, in 2002, I was invited to teach in the final year at the school and at the same time I set up a healing practice in London. 

Many people began asking about my work and whether I could teach it to them and I soon realised there was a desperate need for this work to be more widely shared. However, I had a young family back then, and I never saw myself running a school, so it took many years, a lot more requests and some loud and unmistakeable ‘words in my ear’ from my spirit guides before I eventually set up what has now become St Raphael school.

In my life, I continue to walk many paths which honour the different expressions of spirit; some that cultivate the quiet places within and others that cultivate cathartic release or engage the multidimensional realities and multicultural expressions of the human lineage. With that standing behind me, I welcome into the healing space all authentic forms of expression and I’m committed to creating a space of trust where you feel held, safe and accepted.

What I can offer is the compassion and insight of someone who has walked this road themselves and undergone their own healing journey. I have real-life experience. I don’t believe in the hierarchical structures which create a false sense of separation. Life is painful enough without recreating the very systems that have disempowered us in the first place.

I’d like you to feel valued, welcome and that you are at home; I believe that’s the only way for us to begin healing and recovering our true selves - and doing that together is amazing!

I really respect the courage it takes to undergo your healing journey and I’m passionate about supporting you on that road, helping you reclaim your Essence and uncover your life purpose. 

If you’d like to work with me, please get in touch.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Clive Willis

Processwork Psychotherapy

Facilitator, St Raphael school

I first qualified as a therapist in 1977 and continued my professional development and training in various therapeutic models, including Groupwork, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Psychoanalytical Therapy.  I am currently training as a Processwork Psychotherapist which is now the main focus of my work.

Processwork is a body-centred form of Psychotherapy and I consider it to be a more holistic framework that is able to meet the multidimensional aspects of our existence.

Over the years, my experience has encompassed working with charities specialising in substance misuse, criminal justice and mental health. I spent 8 years working in the NHS, am currently in private practice and I facilitate classes at St Raphael school. I enjoy the energy of group work and the lively, interactive discussions that ensue in the classroom.

I am trained to work with the whole range of human emotions and experience, which combined with my own life experiences enables me to bring empathy and compassion to my work.

I believe there are many routes to understanding and working towards our true self, however, the path is an individual one and ultimately, we ourselves need to recognise which route/path resonates with us.