Professional Training Overview

It’s only by stepping wholeheartedly into our own healing journey that we are able to assist and guide others on theirs.
— Marianne Willis


  • A range of comprehensive healing techniques suitable for addressing issues of a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual nature and their associated levels of consciousness.

  • Theory relevant to each healing technique plus topics which support the work in general and your own evolution within it.

  • Grounding and breathwork

  • Self-development: theory and practical exercises.

  • Process work: personal application and for use with clients.

  • Meditations specifically chosen to support the current learning.

  • Case-taking.

  • Client practice protocols.

  • Qi gong.

  • Naturopathy

  • Ethics. 


  •         healing practice

  •          case studies

  •          reading

  •          written work

  •          body-centred therapy

  •          meditation

  •          qi gong

  •         anatomy & physiology

Whilst training, students are eligible to join the Complementary Medical Association (CMA) and obtain student insurance through Balens, which students on this course automatically qualify for.

Students will graduate on successful completion of the requisite home study and demonstration in class (by continual assessment) of competence in healing skills, ability to manage the therapeutic relationship and general self-awareness.

On graduating you will receive a diploma in Auric Field Regeneration (AFR) and be required to sign a code of ethics.



The first module of this course is Foundation Module (1) and you are required to have completed it before progressing onto the second module and beyond. However, you do not require any prior knowledge of this work or other therapeutic modalities in order to begin this course.



As well as healing techniques, every module includes qi gong exercises and meditation practices which support whatever topic you are currently learning. There are also classes/lectures which include but are not limited to; energetic anatomy, spiritual psychology, naturopathy, characterology, ethics, personal process exploration.

The following is an outline of the healing journey and techniques learnt as you progress through each module:


Modules 1 – 3

Help you develop your extrasensory perception (ESP) and introduce some of the fundamental energy work skills that you will incorporate time and again as you progress to more advanced healing techniques. These fundamental skills of infusion, extraction, restructure, and repair also give you a container through which to focus and hone your developing ESP.

  •         Basic Healing

  •         Celestial Healing

  •          Chakra Balancing

  •          Emotional Level Healing – healing with sound and colour

  •          Gridwork Healing

  •          Spine Cleanse & Restructure

  •          Organ Regeneration


Modules 4 – 8

These delve into the shadow aspects of the personality - the lower self, in the realm of duality. They take us into the areas where we are consumed by the pain of our wounding and teach us how to address the underlying causes of our suffering. We learn how to reclaim our innocence, freedom, and sovereignty, how to bring ourselves out of illusion and into the place of being empowered to make conscious choices.

  •          Astral level Healing: Extracting mucous and objects.

  •         Inner Child Healing

  •          Relationship Cord Healing

  •          Past Life Healing

  •          Spirit Release Healing



Modules 9 - 11

We begin our journey upwards into the higher octaves of vibration; the realms of Unity Consciousness where we remember who we truly are beyond the illusion of separation, pain, and suffering. We start to identify with our Higher Self and learn how to embody and work closely with our Spirit Guides.

  •          Template Level Healing

  •          Auric Surgery

  •          Intention Alignment

  •          Essence Healing

  •          Multilevel Healing

  •          Essence expansion Healing


Module 12

Is all about completion, integration, and celebration. Having gained the knowledge and skills to be competent and proficient healers we now fine-tune and consolidate our learning before taking our gifts out into the world.

  •          Distance Healing

  •          Chakra restructure




MOD 1: March 2nd- 6th

MOD 2: May 11th – 15th

MOD 3: July 17th - 21st

MOD 4: September 18th – 22nd

MOD 5 November 16th – 20th


Dates tbc


Contact Us for more information and to find out how to register.