Barbara Ann Brennan

Barbara Brennan (1939 - 2022) was a world-renowned spiritual leader, healer and educator. She was a pioneer and innovator in the field of energy consciousness. A former NASA physicist, she dedicated her life to exploring the Human Energy Field and realms of human consciousness. She held Doctorates in Philosophy and Theology, a Master’s Degree in Atmospheric Physics, a B.S. in Physics, and worked as a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. She was also a graduate of the Institute of Core Energetics and a Senior Pathwork® Helper.

Barbara researched the Human Energy Field for more than 35 years. Her work resulted in the development of Brennan Healing Science, a holistic healing modality based on the Human Energy-Consciousness System and its relationship to health and disease. It is one of the most comprehensive approaches to energy healing and human transformation in the world today..

In 1982, Barbara founded the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, combining High Sense Perception skills and hands-on energy healing techniques to assist individuals with their personal process of healing. Practitioners are trained to interact with a client’s energy field in a deeply intuitive way, energetically supporting the client into alignment toward healing, as well as clearing, balancing, and renewing the energy field that supports physical and emotional health. It touches every aspect of a person’s life to improve the quality of their health (mind, body spirit), relationships and sense of purpose and belonging.

Barbara’s first book, Hands of Light®—A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, was distinguished as Bantam’s New Age bestseller in 1989 and remains popular today. This landmark work on spiritual healing is published in 26 languages and has over a million copies in print.

Her second book, Light Emerging—The Journey of Personal Healing, is also a bestseller and is published worldwide. In a unique approach that encourages a cooperative effort among healer, patient, and other healthcare providers, Light Emerging explains what the healer perceives visually, audibly, and kinesthetically, and how each of us can participate in every stage of the healing process.

Her third book, Core Light Healing, completes the trilogy and further explores the nature of the creative process from the Human Energy-Consciousness perspective, discovering how each of us creates blocks in our energy field that ultimately cause dysfunction in our lives and the process involved in clearing these blocks and thus releasing our creative potential.

Barbara also released the Seeds of the Spirit®  series—compilations of all school lectures she presented from an expanded state of consciousness while in meditation. Each book offers new concepts and practical guidance on all aspects of life. They contain psych-spiritual teachings and guides to integrate the material and spiritual worlds. Each lecture lifts the soul to a broader understanding and a more loving, unitive experience of life. Her work in spiritual teachings is also available through a series of CD audio recordings.